miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


(Falta de acentos debido a que mi maquina no habla espanhol como diria mi querido Melon!)

El finde pasado estaba en Planta Alta con mis amigas, fuimos a ver la exposicion del libro Crisálidas: Tipografía Digital del Paraguay, y una vez terminada la charla subimos a la terraza donde disfrutamos de una noche acompanhada de gente del ambiente bohemio en donde derepente un muchacho se dirige a mi persona y me habla de mi avatar. No es la primera vez que me preguntan sobre mi avatar "Que bueno esta! Vos lo hiciste?" a lo que siempre respondo "No, es una imagen que encontre en internet, no se quien es el autor."

Analizando mi respuesta decidi que no podia seguir usando el avatar sin descubrir quien lo hizo. Personalmente me siento muy identificada con el y se ha vuelto como la foto de mi cedula en el mundo virtual, entonces empece la busqueda y despues de vueltas y vueltas llegue al autor. Se llama Brian M. Viveros y es un capo. Mas capo todavia porque le escribi un mail y me respondio ^^. Abajo les copio el mail que cuenta la historia por detras de mi avatar.

Hello Brian,
I have been doing some research and finally I came across the author of this painting, it's yours no?
I've been using the image as my avatar in all social media, I really feel identified to it.
Last weekend a conversation came up about my avatar and people asked me if i had done the painting which ofcourse i replied no i wish.
I'm also a graphic designer/artist and i would like to make a blog entry about you and the history of the avatar. If its cool with you this is my blog:
I would also be interested in knowing more about this piece, what inspired you, whats behind it, who the girl is, what the message is and i would like to post that to the blog entry (call it an interview).
Aside from that i would like this particular piece at my houz an original if you got it. ^^
Hope to hear from you soon!

a lo que Brian me responde:

Hello Prisciha, thank you for the kind words about my VIVA LA MUERTE piece, means a lot to me...really. I don't mind if you use the image just as long as you post my name as the artist below the piece or link to my website . My apologies for the delay and terdiness I'm currently in production on my new surreal film. The original was sold at my SOUTHERN exhibition in NY. Just to give you the heads up I may be doing a very limited edition Giclee print of Viva La muerte. I'll keep you posted.
The piece is a combination of things. Always representing my Smoking Arm-ME, but this was more of homage piece It was done in honor of my favorite director Fernando Arrabal Director of my favorite surreal film Viva La Muerte, it also represents the day I was born Day of the Dead. The skull head piece is a reminder that Death can come for you at anytime and its not a bad thing but a thing that is part of life- Lets just say its a very personal piece and was a little sad to see her go.

Take care and I'll put you on my print list if you'd like.
Brian M. Viveros


Interesante no?

7 comentarios:

kokochon dijo...

ahhhhh ya... gracias!

noe dijo...

que grande Brian Viveros qe te respondio.. ^^ Viva la Muerte BO_OM

Punkgodangell dijo...

gracias kokochon por la idea del post y noe we'll BO_OM some car in the name of Brian! y la muerte!!! VIVAAAAAAAAAA EL BO_OM!!!!!

foxx foxx foxx foxx dijo...

qual os eu emailll Priscilha ...
me manda uma mensagem
no ericn91@gmail.com
eric nuemann

cieli. dijo...

Que lindo blog, y que lindos trabajos! saludos! @distraccion

DiEGokBZoN dijo...

"Viva la vida" es un cuadro de Frida no? que genial que se haya tomado la molestia de responderte el ñato.

Anónimo dijo...

¡que buena onda! me encantó la historia...